Implants are cylindrical titanium fixtures that typically serve to replace the roots of missing teeth and act as a base for replacement teeth that feel and work like natural teeth.
Implants are cylindrical titanium fixtures that typically serve to replace the roots of missing teeth and act as a base for replacement teeth that feel and work like natural teeth. Following implant placement and adequate healing has occurred, a crown is affixed to the implant as a final restoration. For those patients who wear dentures, implants can be placed to “anchor” the denture in place. Small attachments added to the implants will snap into attachments added to the inside of dentures. This increases the amount of chewing force and also serves to stabilize the dentures from sliding and rocking during the chewing process.

MEDICAL IMPORTANCE AND PRACTICES: Dental implants are the most predictable tooth replacement option available and have endured close to fifty years of medical research. They are designed for a lifetime and is the only dental treatment that prevents soft tissue and bone loss. They also provide the patient with natural tooth hygiene and greatly eliminate the need to modify or adjust adjacent teeth.
VERSATILITY AND FUNCTIONALITY: Implants are extremely versatile and function to replace single teeth, or multiple teeth, stabilize dentures, or even replace the need for dentures entirely. Traditional treatments for missing teeth include dentures and bridges. These treatments may lead to issues with overall comfort, presentation, stability, and material longevity, which may have a negative impact on overall health and self-confidence.